Literacy Centres

Literacy centres for the kids from poor Background.

New Life Mission Church India is making significant strides in promoting education and improving literacy rates in rural areas of Bihar. One of their notable initiatives is the establishment of more than 50 literacy centers in Gaya and Kaimur districts. These centers aim to provide education to children who are unable to attend school due to financial constraints.

The literacy centers run by New Life Mission Church India are managed by local teachers who volunteer their time and expertise to educate the children. These centers offer a conducive learning environment where children can learn and grow together, and also interact with their peers. By providing two hours of daily education to these children, the initiative aims to help them acquire basic literacy and numeracy skills, which will be vital for their future success.

Furthermore, this initiative also aims to motivate parents and guardians to send their children to school. Often, parents in these communities are not aware of the importance of education or are unable to afford the expenses associated with formal schooling. By educating parents about the benefits of education and offering a free alternative, this initiative is helping to remove barriers to education and increase the number of children attending school.

The establishment of these literacy centers is a remarkable initiative that is having a positive impact on the lives of many children and their families. By providing access to education, New Life Mission Church India is helping to uplift communities and break the cycle of poverty. It is a commendable effort that demonstrates the organization's commitment to empowering underprivileged sections of society and creating a better future for all.